On November 8, 2022, Kentuckians will have an opportunity to vote their pro-life values into the Kentucky Constitution. By voting Yes on Amendment #2 – the “Yes for Life” Constitutional Amendment – Kentuckians will affirm there is no right to end the life of an unborn child and there is no right to use our tax dollars to pay for ending the life of an unborn child.
Below please find the amendment ballot text, important reasons to vote Yes, frequently asked questions, and links to additional resources.

AMENDMENT #2 TEXT: “To protect human life, nothing in this Constitution shall be construed to secure or protect a right to abortion or require the funding of abortion.”
REasons to vote yes for life
Voting Yes will. . . Save Unborn Babies
EVERY human, including babies in the womb, deserves the most fundamental human right — the right to life. Passing the Yes for Life Amendment will ensure Kentucky’s Human Life Protection Act, Heartbeat Law, and other pro-life laws continue to prohibit the killing of unborn children in the womb.
Voting Yes will. . . Protect Our Tax Dollars from Funding Abortion
Passing the Yes for Life Amendment will ensure our tax dollars can’t be used to pay for ending the life of an unborn child. Protecting tax dollars from funding abortion is a broadly supported, bipartisan issue. Unfortunately, the increasingly radical pro-abortion industry wants to force taxpayers to pay for abortion-on-demand.
Voting Yes will. . . Ensure ‘We the People’ Decide, Not Activist Judges
The U.S. Constitution, U.S. Supreme Court, and rule of law all acknowledge that the people and our elected representatives have the authority to regulate abortion — not activist state judges. Passing the Yes for Life Amendment will ensure state judges do not manipulate our Kentucky Constitution to advance a pro-abortion agenda and erase our pro-life voice.
Voting Yes will. . . Keep Our Kentucky Values Strong
Kentucky has a long, rich history as a pro-life and pro-family state, but pro-abortion forces outside of Kentucky want to transform our Commonwealth. While liberal states like California and Illinois are becoming abortion-on-demand “sanctuary” states, passing the Yes for Life Amendment will ensure Kentucky permanently protects its pro-life values.
frequently asked questions
What is the Yes for Life Constitutional Amendment?
The Amendment will affirm there is no right to abortion or the funding of abortion in Kentucky’s Constitution. This important language will prevent state judges from asserting their own preferences over the will of legislators and the voters. Kentuckians can vote Yes for Life at the ballot box on November 8, 2022 by voting YES on Constitutional Amendment #2, which will be at the very end of the ballot.
Why is the Yes for Life Constitutional Amendment needed?
Kentucky’s pro-life laws are under attack by the pro-abortion industry and an activist state judge who is asserting his own abortion-on-demand extremism over the will of the people and our elected officials. The Yes for Life Amendment protects our pro-life laws by ensuring that activist state judges can not invent a right to kill an unborn child in our Constitution.
Does the Yes for Life Amendment or recent Supreme Court ruling threaten women’s access to healthcare, contraception, or fertility treatment?
No! This is fear mongering by pro-abortion activists. Kentucky’s pro-life laws clearly protect medically necessary healthcare for women, access to contraception, and do not threaten access to fertility treatments. Kentucky women will still have full access to prenatal care, including for heartbreaking cases of ectopic pregnancies or miscarriage.
What does the Yes for Life Amendment mean for cases of rape and incest?
Rape and incest are horrific crimes, and perpetrators of these violent acts must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Yet, violence should not beget more violence. The innocent life of the child should not be violently ended because of the violent act of another person. Kentucky’s pro-life laws protect the right to life no matter a child’s sex, race or circumstance of their conception. The Yes for Life Amendment respects the ability of the people and the General Assembly to address these important abortion policy issues – not activist state judges.
How can I help and can my Church get involved?
The Family Foundation is a founding member of the Yes for Life Alliance that is equipping Kentuckians on the Yes for Life Amendment. Our alliance needs your prayers, engagement, and financial support to raise awareness of this Constitutional Amendment. And YES, your Church can get involved! Because this constitutional amendment is a ballot measure voted on by the people, and not a political candidate or party, Churches and other 501(c)(3) non-profits can directly advocate for the passage of the Yes for Life Amendment.